Apply for a job

Jobs at SS

Sláturfélag Suðurlands was founded in 1907 and has always been at the forefront of Icelandic companies in the food industry. SS has operations in Hvolsvöllur, Selfoss and Reykjavík. At SS, more than 330 annual works are done in various jobs. We offer challenging and interesting jobs for ambitious people who want to work in the production and sale of food.

Personnel manager oversees recruitment at SS. Your application will be evaluated if positions become available at the company.
Below you can see the jobs available for application.

Professional workers in SS meat processing at Hvolsvöllur
Sláturfélag Suðurlands is looking to hire meat tradesmen to work in the company’s meat processing plant at Hvolsvöllur.
For more information, please contact the personnel manager at 575-6000 and the factory manager Olga Mörk Valsdóttir at Hvolsvöllur at 488-8200.

Meat industry students
SS is looking for meat industry students to work in the company’s meat processing plant at Hvolsvöllur.
All further information is provided by the human resources manager on phone 575 6000.

Almenn umsókn um starf hjá SS

SS og dótturfyrirtæki eru alltaf að leita að góðu fólki til fjölbreyttra starfa.

Sækja um

SS cały czas poszukuje dobrych pracowników na różne stanowiska. Wszystkich zainteresowanych zachęcamy do aplikowania o pracę.

Job application - SS

SS is always looking for good employees for various jobs. We encourage all interested parties to apply.

Starf í sláturtíð

SS er að leita að góðu fólki til starfa í sláturtíð á Selfossi.

Sækja um
Praca w sezonie ubojowym (10.9.2024-31.10.2024)

Podanie o pracę w sezonie ubojowym w Selfoss lub Hvolsvöllur (10.9.2024-31.10.2024)


PODANIE O PRACĘ - Przetwórstwo mięsne SS Hvolsvöllur

SS cały czas poszukuje dobrych pracowników. Wszystkich zainteresowanych zachęcamy do aplikowania o pracę.
